Announcing: Writer Guest of Honour Tanya Huff!

We are pleased to announce our second Guest of Honour, Tanya Huff!

Tanya HuffTanya Huff lives in rural Ontario, Canada, with her wife Fiona Patton, two dogs, and, as of last count, nine cats. Her 30 novels and 75 short stories include horror, heroic fantasy, urban fantasy, comedy, and space opera. She’s written four essays for Ben Bella’s pop culture collections and the occasional book review for the Globe and Mail. Her Blood series was turned into the 22-episode Blood Ties and writing episode nine allowed her to finally use her degree in radio and television arts. Her latest novel was a new Torin Kerr book, Peacekeeper #1: An Ancient Peace (Oct 2015), and her next will be Peacekeeper #2: A Peace Divided (Spring 2017). She can be found on twitter @TanyaHuff, on fb as Tanya Huff, and she occasionally blogs at LiveJournal, although as she links those occasional blogs to both twitter and fb, don’t worry about lj. Four collections of her short stories, as well as six of her older novels, are available pretty much wherever ebooks are sold.

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