How Do You Bounce Back?

Another timely event coming from Can*Con!

A lot of being a professional creative is out of our control, which admittedly … kinda sucks. Issues with publishers, lack of sales, deals falling through, and more can put a serious block on not just your career, but also your energy to continue creating. When something like this happens, what do you do? Hear from people who have faced those struggles on how they reassess, course correct, or simply pick themselves up and keep going.

This event will take place on  January 11, 2021 at 7:00pm EST

This is a members only event, so make sure to Login (or register) and head over HERE to get the link to attend!


Tracy Townsend is the author of The Nine and The Fall (books 1 and 2 in the Thieves of Fate series), a monthly columnist for the feminist sf magazine Luna Station Quarterly, and an essayist for Uncanny Magazine. She’s the former chair of the English department at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, an elite public boarding school, where she teaches creative writing and science fiction and fantasy literature. She’s been a martial arts instructor, a stage combat and accent coach, a short-order cook for houses full of tired gamers, and now (apparently) a podcast co-host. When she’s actually sitting still, she lives in Bolingbrook, Illinois with two bumptious hounds, two remarkable children, one goblin cat, and a very patient husband.





Kate Heartfield writes science fiction and fantasy, including the Aurora-winning novel Armed in Her Fashion and the Nebula-shortlisted novella Alice Payne Arrives, along with dozens of stories. She is the author of The Road to Canterbury and The Magician’s Workshop, both of which were shortlisted for the Nebula in game writing. Her next novel is The Embroidered Book, a historical fantasy coming in 2022. A former journalist, Kate lives in Ottawa, Canada.

Kari Maaren is a writer, cartoonist, musician, and academic whose first novel, the YA fantasy Weave a Circle Round, was published by Tor Books in 2017. It tied for the 2018 Copper Cylinder Award (YA category), was a finalist for the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy, and was shortlisted for the Sunburst Award (YA category). Kari has a completed webcomic, West of Bathurst, and an active one, the double-Aurora-winning It Never Rains, and she has produced two independent albums, Beowulf Pulled My Arm Off and Everybody Hates Elves. She lives in Toronto with too many musical instruments and an astounding number of books.

Avi Silver  is an author and editor of speculative fiction. They co-created The Shale Project, an award-winning indie arts collective, and are passionate about stories that wield tenderness as a tool of change. Their first novel, Two Dark Moons, was released in 2019, with the sequel due out this summer. Find their short fiction in Common Bonds: An Aromantic Speculative Anthology, and the web serial Tales from a Library. They are very proud to be an Editor with Augur Magazine. You can find them on Twitter @thescreambean.

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